This edition of Frenemy Pastry Party adds the Fox as an animal friend. The Fox has a big impact on the game in a clever way. Fox’s effect is “If you have the least amount of cakes scored (ties do not count) you gain +3 points.” Since the Fox wants the least amount of cakes,…
Category: Frenemy Pastry Party
Blogs about Frenemy Pastry Party.
Pastry Party Free on Tabletop Simulator
Hello, I heard you are an ally of animals and a fan of cake. You’ve come to the right place, my friend. Frenemy Pastry Party is a great way to celebrate both with your friends and family. Want to try out the game right now? It’s available on Tabletop Simulator for free! Check out the TTS…
Beginning Solis Game Studio with Frenemy Pastry Party
In 2019, I was at the Essen Game Faire, one of the few chances we have to meet boardgame publishers from all over the world. While wandering the halls, I ran into John Brieger, who was extremely excited to show me a tiny game he’d found called Frenemy Pastry Party. He loves to pick out…